Broken AAC Blocks




Light weight broken AAC blocks are also called as AAC Rubble. Being normally cured cement based product, it continues to gain strength with time so long as some moisture is available in the environment.

    AAC Broken Blocks are best alternative to

  • Light Weight Cinder
  • Broken Red clay Bricks
  • Broken Fly Ash Bricks
  • Coal lumps
  • Burnt Tar lumps

    Advantages of AAC Broken Blocks

  • Light weight
  • Highly insulating
  • Fire resistant & incombustibl
  • Easy workability
  • Less water penetration
  • Sound absorption
  • Weather resistant
  • High strength
  • Comfortably worked
  • Environmental friendly


  • Filling empty space in Building
  • Toilet deck filling
  • Roof garden filling
  • Lobby filling
  • Sunken filling
  • Other filling area

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